2011年7月31日 星期日

蘭嶼夕照 Sunset of Lanyu Coral Reef Island

Panasonic G2, 14-42mm, RAW with SilkyPix development

今年暑假返台休假, 安排了四天三夜的蘭嶼行程.
除了豐富的海岸珊瑚礁生態令人驚喜外, 蘭嶼樸實的風景令人忘卻自己.
未來的自己, 還會再來訪.

Truly shining pearl in southeastern sea of Taiwan. The Lanyu island ( Ponso no Tao) is left limited explored with awesome coral system flourishing along almost the entire seashore. Also, clear sky devotes to these wonderful, dreamy sunset scene.

Lanyu, 그 열대의 산호은 몽환적 분위기가 있서, 저 녹였다 
