2012年3月16日 星期五

台灣 阿里山 櫻花印象 Taiwan Alishan Cherry Blossom 2

著名的阿里山高山火車, 沿著山櫻點綴的鐵道走入心中難以抹滅的印象.
The famous Alishan mountain train goes with pretty partners of  diverse cherry blossoms in Spring. There are two diesel locomotives driving a single train, where one pushes on the tail and the other pulls on the head. Is this one in the picture head or tail?

對高岳車站, 藍天, 櫻花, 路燈, 想像一下在櫻花盛開的季節加上高山火車奔馳的激動... 我腳程慢了錯過火車, 改天再來試試.
Blue sky, cherry blossom, lamps, train station... just imagine what a pretty scene if there is also the train included. I missed the train. Maybe you will be more lucky. Wish you will be there someday. 

初生櫻花在百年吉野櫻花樹上綻放, 像頑皮的孩子在母親的身上磨蹭, 跳躍, 卻怎麼也無法離開.
New-born cherry blossoms are so colorful and smooth, but so strong contrast to their mother tree's dusk and rough surface, like kids so lovable and naughty hopping around.


山櫻花在接近色調的散景下顯得輕鬆, 愜意, 正是在花季漫步阿里山的心境寫照.
Cherry blossoms with similar color tone of blurred background render an easy and pure enjoyment of visiting in this flower season of Alishan.

Panasonic G2, 14~42, 45~200, Canon FD 50mm (100mm equiv.) F1.4 S.S.C. with adapter.

台灣 阿里山 吉野 櫻花 高山火車 Taiwan Alishan Cherry blossom mountain train 대만 아리산에 벚꽃 꽃구경 はなみ ありさん さくら ばな
