2011年8月12日 星期五

第五屆 寧波保稅區攝影比賽 參賽

Wish me luck anyway.

Panasonic G2, Lumix14-42mm, SilkyPIX Development

[黃山飛松] Flying Pine Tree in Huangshan

[蘭嶼夕照] Sunset in Lanyu Coral Reef Island
運用16:9 超長寬比與24" 大幅輸出, 營造當下的橫向廣闊感.
垂直二幅, 以中國國畫捲軸的閱讀方式, 呈現俯視到仰望的直向遼闊感.

Utilize 16:9 super wide proportion and 24" large output ( at least for a M4/3 system) to render the horizontal wide view experience at that very moment.
The other two vertical ones mimic the Chinese traditional drawings to let viewers look over then up at a picture, so as to give a vertical wide view feel.

[日出 希望] Hope behind heavy clouds
