2011年8月10日 星期三

孕育 斑斕

Panasonic G2, Lumix 14-42mm, 0.45X wide angle adapter. SilkyPIX Development

長年溼氣的奮起湖車站, 孕育了豐富的林相與芬芳的茶葉, 也同等滋潤了苔蘚 蒲公英 不知名的小草...
同樣是奮起湖 令人懷念的滋味.

High humidity all year long provide not only rich forest system and fragrance of agricultural products, such as organic green tea and Arabica coffee bean, but also nourish moss, dandelion, and unknown grasses.
Same scenery, different feeling every time visiting. My nostalgia!
