2012年8月26日 星期日

2012年8月24日 星期五

Day 2-1 Day Trip in Bangkok 第二天-1 曼谷一日遊

Despite having stayed up so late last night, I woke up with sunshine strolling on the wall. No impatient alarm clock, no forgettable breakfast, no rush-hour commuting, no scheduled meeting waited ahead... I suddenly felt uneasy for a few seconds. No, not at all. An adventure is out there waiting for my exploration. Put on casual short trousers and T-shirt I went to the lobby and ordered an Americano, took two pieces of bread with some strawberry jelly, settled down at a small round table, watched people walking up and down the street while enjoying a slow breakfast...

The SIM card ended up with no money inside to make it work. A supportive boy in convenient store saved me hours of labor listening to the vocal service with confusing menu to choose from. So, google map, checked! mobile phone access, checked! beautiful mood, um.. checked! 

The hostess introduced me to enjoy sunset and modern dinner there. Seems worth of a try.

2012年8月23日 星期四

Day 1 from China to Thailand 第一天 從中國到泰國

Woke up at 5:00am and arrived at 12:30am in Bangkok. Get in/out of Hongkong airport twice.  Had eaten 3 chicken submarines in Cathy airline. Did them all in a day...
Wan a lot mileage in a day !!

2012年4月5日 星期四

Cherry Blossom in Ningbo Dorm

Thank you, cherry blossom and lovely spring, for an enjoyable shooting experience around our dorm.

2012年3月31日 星期六

寧波保稅區 攝影比賽 佳作


在黃山獨自漫步, 風景寫作的興致隨著來去的霧氣消散.
突然, 身後一股熱氣混雜著蒸氣火車爬坡濃重的呼吸, 和扁擔如同厚重金屬車廂擠壓出的嘎嘎聲響, 向我衝撞過來. 
我雙腳縮離中間步道, 等待著挑夫先行. 從挑夫的眼睛抬望上去, 那垂直向上伸挺的走線, 和石階的橫線筆直交錯, 堅硬得無法通融. 低著頭故意忽視石階的眼光, 一心一意數著三步一歇, 又三步一歇的節奏. 若心中不見一個可及的遠景, 如何奈何住這數不盡的三步? 

仍是雲霧飄渺, 睫毛上的汗珠不住的滲落. 遠方的黑松雖然明亮 卻怎麼是個模糊.

我那被鼓動的心 敲打簡短的簾幕閉合 給予祝福.

Panasonic Lumix G2, 14-42mm

2012年3月16日 星期五

台灣 阿里山 櫻花印象 Taiwan Alishan Cherry Blossom 2

著名的阿里山高山火車, 沿著山櫻點綴的鐵道走入心中難以抹滅的印象.
The famous Alishan mountain train goes with pretty partners of  diverse cherry blossoms in Spring. There are two diesel locomotives driving a single train, where one pushes on the tail and the other pulls on the head. Is this one in the picture head or tail?

2012年3月10日 星期六

台灣 阿里山 櫻花印象 Taiwan Alishan Cherry Blossom 1

櫻花像水面的漣漪 閃閃發光, 櫻花樹枝張牙舞爪地 在我心中 狠狠的抓下印記.
The cherry blossom shining like ripples under sunshine scratches impression on my mind with their limbs, their claws.

中國 寧海 前童古鎮 (2011/10/02)

在清晨或傍晚時分遊客離去之後, 居民如同戲台的後場人員紛紛登場. 
流水的渠道走過每一戶人家, 跨越的石板橋支撐往來居民, 也同時擔起店面, 洗衣板等等的責任.